- Agroforestry Design
- Climate Smart Agriculture
- Soil Health Assessments
- Diverse Grasslands
- Planned and Adaptive Grazing
Agroforestry Design
Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland. It provides farm diversity, food security, income diversification and helps build climate resilience.
We provide agroforestry plans tailored to meet specific farm goals and constraints. Our plans provide:
- Site assessments, mapping and establishment planning
- Planting configurations
- Species selection and sourcing suitable tree stock
- Management and maintenance planning and;
- Economic analysis
We can also help you avail of afforestation grants and schemes and help with the application process. Our team contains registered professional Ecologists for forestry projects who are registered to complete licence applications for afforestation, tree felling, forest road works by the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine.
Climate Smart Agriculture
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an approach that helps to guide actions needed to transform and reorient agricultural systems to ensure food security in a changing climate. ID Environmental Consultants can evaluate your enterprise to help you build resilience in your business and on the land.
CSA planning aims to help farm businesses:
- Sustainably increasing/maintaining productivity and income
- Adapt to and build resilience to climate change
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Restore and enhance farm ecosystems and habitats and;
- Regenerate and restore soil health
Soil Health Assessments
Healthy soils are those whose biological and physical characteristics are functioning optimally. When soils are healthy, water cycles, biological communities and ecosystems services like carbon drawdown and nutrient cycling are not limiting each other. We use a mixture of field assessments and soil chemical analysis to evaluate the status of our soils. We provide tailored ecologically and organically focused management plans and solutions to improving soil health and to sustainability improve farm productivity.
Diverse Grasslands
The composition of grasslands and their management has far-reaching consequences for farm profitability, animal health, carbon drawdown and soil biology. Excellent work has been carried out around multi-species grasslands in recent years both from a forage production and biodiversity perspective. We work with a range of grass and wildflower seed providers to help farmers and land managers create tailored solutions for improved grassland productivity and functionality.
Planned and Adaptive Grazing
Adaptive Grazing or Holistic Planned Grazing is a farm management enterprise tool that uses the impact of high density short duration grazing to create healthier, more productive grasslands and ecosystems. Holistic planned grazing requires an in-depth analysis of your farming system, paddock layout and soil. We can help design paddock layouts, stocking rates, timings and estimate forage production.
Designing a holistic grazing plan is a farm led approach and must consider all your goals including financial, lifestyle and family. This grazing system requires forward planning and the ability to adapt as you go.
ID Environmental Consultants